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Number of parts: 189

Level: Intermediate

Assembly Time: 3-4 hours

Motorcycles have been a huge part of American culture for a long time, especially the chopper-style street bikes that are so closely associated with cross-country trips to Sturgis and biker gangs. If you want to put together a little piece of Americana and display it proudly somewhere in your home, the UGears Bike VM-02 is just what you need.

UGears designed the VM-02 bike to look just like the choppers that made so many people fall in love with motorcycles in the first place. Not only do we use high-grade sustainably sourced wood to make sure you get a quality product, we use lasers to cut each piece to make sure your model fits together perfectly. And when it comes to all the little details such as the bulky gas tank and perfectly round headlight, we make sure it's all perfect.

Of course, putting together a model motorcycle wouldn't be a whole lot of fun if there was nothing you could do with it once it's complete. UGears specializes in mechanical models, which means the UGears Bike VM-02 is far more than a display piece that will collect dust on a shelf. As a matter of fact, this model is designed to be fully functional so you can give it a test drive when you're done putting it together. The rubber band motor we designed for this bike is capable of propelling it up to 10 feet on a single winding, making the UGears Bike VM-02 a great model for children and adults alike.

This classic motorcycle model might not be quite as zippy as a real motorcycle, but there are still a lot of fun things you can do with your UGears Bike VM-02. If you've got two bikes, you can set them up side by side and race to a finish line. Another fun way to enjoy your bike is to wind it up, watch were it stops and make a mark. You can keep trying this in various locations and on different terrains to find out what makes your UGears bike tick and see just how far you can get it to go.

Despite looking almost identical to a real chopper-style motorcycle, the UGears Bike VM-02 is fairly simple when it comes to assembly. At UGears, we make sure we cut each piece precisely so everything fits when you're putting your model together. On top of that, we include illustrated instructions in 10 languages including English, German, French, Spanish and Chinese to make sure you have a relevant step-by-step guide to putting your model together. While this bike is designed to be somewhat easy to put together, it's not recommended for very young children, and the full assembly takes a few hours.